Wattlebird feeding on aphids |
Complexity evolves and crashes like waves on the shore.
Cheeky, territorial, interactive mother of her hood.
She is gone now, deep grief and sadness.
We have had a beautiful relationship over a number of years, I did not relies the complexity or the benefits she provided till the hawk hit the garden,, She is gone now.
About 5 years ago shortly before my first harvest of boysenberries, I was interacting with this bird, I pledged to care for her space and provide her with food, that she could have one side of the bush and I would have the other. She honored this and told me off when I crossed the line and hit the berries on her side. I watched her fledged young ones over the years. She would come out whenever I was in the garden, have a chat then of to her life. There was an alliance with the peewee blackbird and butcher bird, They kept all the parrots at bay but two and most of the Indian miners away. home patch for this group.
She is gone now, The Indian miners are having a field day, (Bastards) . The parrots hit the blackberries taking the bulk before I realised and resorted to nets.
If only Id been more aware and in the moment ?
I feel deep sadness for the embedded knowledge and care within living community we have lost and continue to loose without any awareness. Interacting with this earth on her terms requires deep loving knowledge and awareness.
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